
SARS, Mumps and Creepy PSAs

Ever since the Toronto SARS outbreak (a deadly pneumonia-like pandemic that swept the city's hospitals), the people of TO have been generally wary of hospitals. If you get sick here, it's not uncommon to hear someone say: "Whatever you do, don't go to the hospital!" SARS has become part of our cultural fabric; for example, CTV produced a deliciously cheesy movie about the pandemic called Plague City: SARS in Toronto. See trailer:


Oh sure: blame everything on the Yuen Tak Butcher Shop! Truth is, even without SARS, Canada's hospitals, being state-funded, are often grotty and sometimes frightening. (Michael Moore just doesn't get it). So the government is trying to win us back to the medical system, especially basic services like immunization which have fallen to the wayside for a lot of people.

How are they doing this? By frightening the hell out of us! Check out this ad:


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